My book club meets approximately every other month. We have been meeting since 2005 I believe.
It started because we all seemed to like the same type of books (beginning with Janet Evanovich). Do not confuse us with the "Oprah" book club. We are not that intellectual or deep (well, some of us may be "independently" but as a group we keep it upbeat and chick lit if possible)
This month it was my turn to host - and I chose the below book based on a recommendation from my friend, Brett. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it - and I had fun putting together an "indian" theme luncheon at my home (see next post)

Synopsis -
Tilo, proprietress of the Spice Bazaar in Oakland, California, is not the elderly Indian woman she appears to be. Trained as a mistress of spices, she evokes the magical powers of the spices of her homeland to help her customers. These customers, mostly first- or second-generation immigrants, are struggling to adapt their Old World ideals to the unfamiliar and often unkind New World. Though trapped in an old woman's body and forbidden to leave the store, Tilo is unable to keep the required distance from her patrons' lives. Her yearning to join the world of mortals angers the spices, and Tilo must face the dire consequences of her disobedience. Divakaruni, whose conversational style translates well into audio, blends social commentary and romance into an eloquent novel of the human condition.
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