Meet my goldfish, Sookie
Ryan and I finally agreed on a name today
I kept calling her "Fishy" - and he thought that was too wimpy, he wanted a boy name and kept suggesting stupid names based on shows. Finally, I said, "Let's name it something we both like. We joked about Sookie, and he said, "Ok, it can be a girl, if we can call her "Sookie". I love it.
I've had her for 3 weeks now
I thought getting a goldfish would be easy
So, I didn't really do any research
Just stopped at a neighborhood pet shop
My main concern was how many to get
I mean, do goldfish need friends?
When I mentioned to someone that I was getting one,
The first thing out of their mouth was, "You have to feed them everyday"
I'm like, "Duh, I raised a child, he is 24 - I think I can do that"
What I didn't think about was that they can't live in regular tap water
They also require their bowls to be cleaned daily if not every other day
The big thing is that while I have Sookie in a bowl, goldfish really require 20 gallons of water
or a tank with a filter
So, when I got this bright idea from a popular magazine suggesting that goldfish are great summer table decorations
I did not know that goldfish really require more than just a bowl and some water to survive
So, this is a public annoucement
Do not just purchase a goldfish randomly
Research it first
I wish I had.. if so, I wouldn't have gotten one
I will say this...
I was worried when I got her home that maybe I took her from her family and friends
Seriously, I had these thoughts...
is she a girl or is it a boy?
she's very fluffy and pretty, so I decided she's a girl
..was she married..
did she have kids..
was she a sister..
did I take her from her best friend..
did I save her from a horrible life..
just maybe
she is happier in her bowl
now that she has her own room
she seems to be okay...
sometimes it's like she is frolicking in the water
or maybe she is just a spaz like me!