It's a little tacky with the fake flowers everywhere - but it's a great way to spend a beautiful day on the patio. It's interesting - it's a bar, it's a restaurant, it's a bakery - it's a gift shop - it's a garden store.. You pick!
Our "bible book club aka bible study" met there this past Saturday. We had spinach dip and our favorite, Chunk Blue Chips - which are basically kettle chips with chunky blue cheese dressing and pico de gallo. They rock. We all ate salads so we could save room for dessert. They have every type of cake, cheesecake and pie to choose from.
So if you check out the website - you'll see the advertisement for the Salt Lamp.

This is like the 3rd time I've seen them, and I just couldn't resist. Look at everything it does for you for only $25.00 - It's suppose to cure -
allergies-asthma-attitude-arthritis-vision-sleep-sinusitis-pet odor-lethargy-learning-neuralgia-medicinal-toothache-depression-rheumatism-stop snoring-hypertension-chronic fatigue-blood pressure-migraines-respiratory problems. It's also an Air purifier.. right now I'm just using it as a night light on my kitchen counter.
Stay tuned..I will let you know if my attitude improves. Right now, every time I look at it - it reminds me of an ORB or something out of a sci-fi movie.