Saturday, October 4, 2008
Phone Home
My son, Ryan called me today. I always get anxious when he calls. In my mind I'm saying, "What's wrong?" but I know I can't say that to him. So, I try to be patient by saying "What's up?" He's like, "Nothing".. (and in my mind, I'm like then why are you calling me.. I love hearing from you but if you have something to tell me.. just say it.. because he is a guy and guys just do not call - even their mothers). So, he's all like "I'm on break (he works at the Gap), just wanted to see how you are" (again, he's 22, and a guy.. and he just doesn't do this).. so I'm like "I'm good" (but get to it.. I know you have something to say)... and here it comes, " Well, I've been learning about the housing crisis, and I was just wondering how you are doing with your house?" (For those of you who don't know, I just bought my first house a year ago) Me, "I'm doing fine with my house. " Son, "Well, what type of financing did you do, adjustable or fixed rate?" Me, "fixed rate". Son, "Good- so you didn't do an adjustable rate (sigh of relief). Well, we're learning about this in class, and I hadn't really been paying attention until now, so I just wanted to make sure you were ok - sounds like you knew what questions to ask, and have it under control, well, your phone is starting to break up, I have to get back to work, I will call you later when I get off work"...
Wow, he's becoming an adult.. it's just so cool! (BTW, he will not call me when he gets off work. It'll be another week or so before he calls me. Although, I will probably "text" him during the Cowboy game tomorrow because that is just how I roll)
Fitness Update
Norma Kamali

One of my favorite pieces was a long flowing skirt with blue/black squares -I think it was flannel. I remember wearing that alot in the late 80's. I don't remember how I looked or what I wore it with. I wish I had a picture. Anyway, seeing the Norma Kamali line at Walmart brought back so many memories. I wanted one of everything - the most expensive item was $20. for a wrap dress. I didn't get that - but I did buy a tank for $6., a long sleeve black t-shirt with a zebra on it for $8., and a pair of black leggings for $10. Really, I was like a kid in a candy store. The prices were amazing. I just couldn't get over it. As soon as I got in the car, I called Aunt Janae and several friends. I am on the look out for a black short sleeved t-shirt with a white lips (like a kiss) . There was only one left - and it was a small.. which, for NOW, is not my size.
If you click on the title of this blog, it will take you to the Norma Kamali collection at Walmart. Anyway, this girl is very excited (if you couldn't tell ) I hope to see more of her stuff there.
Breaking News
Friday, October 3, 2008
Lovett - Lovett - Lovett

I'm Lyle Lovett's #1 FAN!!! Maybe not #1 -since I didn't start a fan club or anything like that. I did join a mailing list many years ago when he was with MCA - and they sent me an autographed CD.
I have seen him in concert at Fair Park Music Hall, Smirnoff (now Superpages), and several times at the Bass Performance Hall. But the all time best concert was last year (2007) at the Dallas Museum of Art. OMG!!! It was a private party held by a local law firm here in Dallas. Since this is on the world wide web for all to see, I'm not going to say how I acquired a ticket. Let's just say there was a little bit of trickery involved... but it was so well worth it. I love him! I wanted to marry him but he has since married and is no longer available. Heavy **sigh**.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Lipstick Jungle
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Missed Photo Ops
This morning in the parking garage elevator, the woman next to me was wearing flats that had a design of a cat face on the toe. I literally couldn't stop staring. I could have acted like I was checking messages on my phone and taken a picture with my treo, but what would have happened when it clicked... I am not that brave. So, I searched the internet looking for an exact replica, while I was unable to find an exact - I was able to find the attached....
Just in time for Halloween!!!
(Disclaimer - simplysandi is not endorsing this product. )
Workout Update
Monday, September 29, 2008
Big Girls Don't Cry
I have the Cowboy Blues. I am not a fairweather fan. I love the Cowboys even when the lose, but I tell you what - I do not want to hear the play by play breakdown of all the things they did wrong. I usually watch all the post-game shows when they win, but not this week. I won't even listen to talk radio until after the Cincinnati game.
The Cowboys are 3-1. This is a great start to the season. We will play the Skins again. It will be on Redskins turf, but I know we'll beat them. I have faith.
Still cheering...with a tiny tear.
Picking Flowers

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Cows vs Skins

Dishes with Style - Rosanna Inc

You can go to her blog by clicking on the title of this blog entry, or
Becoming More Than Just a Good Bible Study Girl
We kicked off our bible study on Saturday. This is our 7th book over the last 5 years. I am really excited about this book. It was just r...

As I promised in a previous post about all things heart, I decided to start with the heart tube pan because it's the easiest. All Pamp...
This is one of my favorites It is inspired by the smoked gouda pimento cheese we buy here locally (D/FW) at Market Street It took 2 test...